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In 2013 we had the idea that we could use greyhound racing as a vehicle to raise money for charity. So we offered the idea of a greyhound that ran to raise money for a charity (this included all race and prize money) to our contacts, to see who could help us raise the money to purchase a greyhound for this purpose. There was an incredible amount of support and interest in the idea.


Westcliff Rugby Club generously donated the funds to purchase a greyhound; the club have many members serving in the armed forces and have unfortunately lost members in conflicts around the world. They agreed it would be a fantastic way to raise money for a charity close to their own hearts: 'Help for Heroes'. 


Romford Greyhound Stadium were also fully behind  the project and offered to donate an extra £50 to any prize money the dog would win, which all goes to 'Help for Heroes'. The greyhounds vet care was also kindly covered by Greyhound Sports Medicine and his boarding and training by us at the Gables Kennels.


'Runs for heroes' picked up quite a following when he made it as a finalist in the Romford Puppy Cup 2013. A team from 'Help for Heroes' set out a stall and collection buckets on the night of the final and were able to raise £450. 'Runs for Heroes' also made a hat trick of wins for Romford in the Bags/SIS track championships raising £600 for the charity in those 3 races alone. The charity greyhound has raised over £4000 for 'Help for Heroes' now and hopefully this number will keep growing in the future.   





Runs For Heroes

The Gables Cafe

The Gables Cafe provides all of our owners and friends with a yummy bacon Sanrnie and a tea of coffee on their Sunday walks with their greyhounds. The cafe has been a huge hit, especially since Head Chef Jess Morris has been baking cakes every weekend. Thanks to kind donations the Gable Cafe has raised over £500 in just a few months, which will be donated to The Retired Greyhound Charitys. 

Serpatine swim for Retired Greyhound Trust

In September Matyn did a 1 mile swim in the Serpatine to raise money for The Retired Greyhound Trust. Over £2000 was raised on the day! 

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